Roger Turesson

Roger Turesson is an award-winning photojournalist for Stockholm’s Dagens Nyheter and one of Sweden’s foremost photographers.

New book – Passage

Keeping aloof from major events, royalty, and celebrities, Roger Turesson turns his camera onto everyday life. Most of all, his heart is with the common people — in his own neighbourhood as well as in the world’s most sealed in countries as North Korea. With great empathy and respect, he shows people struggling to survive in arduous times, times torn by war and terror, seeking passage to a better life. His new book is full to the brim with such gut-wrenchingly beautiful moments. 

You can buy the book at various places online and offline. If you want a signed copy, you are also able to order directly from this site.

Under siege

Every day was a fight for survival in Aleppo. After four years of war, the battle represented one of the longest sieges in modern warfare. A cruel and protracted stalemate, where the civilian population was squeezed between shells.

Riding the Beast

The Mexican cargo trains are a free ride to their American Dream. Tens of thousands of illegal migrants from Central America who each year board the Train of Death, also known as The Beast – a slow freight ride at irregular hours that is part of a long, risky journey to a possible escape from poverty.

Refugee crisis

Over one million refugees entered Europe in 2015, the vast majority arriving by sea. Many landing in Greece wanted to move on, through the Balkan countries, to enter the Schengen Area of the European Union.

Andalusian Light

Andalusian Light ...

Andalusian Light

Andalusian Light ...

Andalusian Light

Andalusian Light ...

Fin recension av SvDs konstredaktör Clemens Poellinger i DN idag. 🙏🏼. @gallerikontrast #gallerikontrast #dagensnyheter

Fin recension av SvDs konstredaktör Clemens Poellinger i DN idag. 🙏🏼. @gallerikontrast #gallerikontrast #dagensnyheter ...

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